Saturday, February 5, 2011

Shooting Stars Art Tattoo

The sky has often been mused after as a thing of mystery, and shooting stars art tattoo designs stem from this mystery and amazement of the heavens.

Shooting stars are actually pieces of space debris falling through the earth's upper atmosphere and burning up on re-entry. They're not stars at all, just junk. They can be particles from a dead planet that is just reaching our own. They can be pieces from broken satellites or end stage rocket casings from the space program. Regardless if the object is a piece of rock or space junk leftover from the cold war; it is still a brilliant display in the night sky.

Popularity of Shooting Stars Art Tattoo

Fantasy springs eternal with this type of tattoo. Shooting stars have long since captivated the minds of people from all over the world. Many years ago, they were seen as harbingers of death and doom as they would remind undeveloped civilizations that there are things they just could not understand or grasp. The shooting stars would be a rain of fire from the angry Gods. Now that we know what a shooting star is, we have began to look upon them as a symbol of hope. When we see a shooting star we begin to making silent wishes to ourselves. Shooting stars art tattoo is also a way to show appreciation of life's little miracles or stellar occasions.

A history of Stars in Tattooing

Stars have always been a popular subject matter for tattoos and got their start with sailors and pirates hundreds of years ago in the form of the nautical star. This star is seen today among the punk community and is probably one of the most recognizable. This star was placed on the top of the hand as a reminder of their journey at sea as well as in life. To this day, the nautical star is more a symbol of unity among the subcultures that use it. A pirate known as Sailor Jerry is accredited with much of the tattoo art that pirates of the day had received.

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